Trollian Regex Guide
Version 1.0, April 13, 2429
By timaeusTestified

=============================== TABLE OF CONTENTS ===============================

1. The Prefix, The Suffix, And Colors Between................ [0001]
2. General Quirk Replacement with Regex...................... [0002]
3. Special Cases and How to Use Them......................... [0003]
4. Alternian and How to speak it fluently.................... [0004]
5. Canon Quirks Depository................................... [0005]
7. An Actual Guide to Regex Itself........................... [0006]
8. BBCODE and You............................................ [0007]
[0001] The Prefix, The Suffix, And Colors Between

The first one is basic colors.

Regex Hint: ^,$
Quirk Hint: [color=red],[/color]

^ on Trollian is the Prefix. $ on Trollian is the Suffix.
Your text when using this regex will look like this.

For homestuck characters, you will likely want a more specific color.

Regex Hint: ^,$
Quirk Hint: [colorhex=54dce0],[/colorhex]

This code will now make your text look like this. Google has a built in hex color finder.

Using the same code as above, we can also add Prefixes and Suffixes.

Regex Hint: ^,$
Quirk Hint: [colorhex=54dce0]First I'll say this , And then I'll say this![/colorhex]

You must remember to add spaces after the prefix and before the suffix, or it may look odd. Unless that's what you want, of course.
If you want plain white/themed text, simply remove the colorhex function of this quirk example.

The \z
Using \z you can make a anchored after-text, like for putting images at the bottom of each toot.
Unlike $, it will not repeat on line breaks, and should only post once.
Combine with the [center] code carefully, more notes under Custom BBCode.
Regex Hint: ^,$,\z
Quirk Hint: A,B,C

Atext example hereB
Atext example hereBC

[0002] General Quirk Replacement with Regex

To put it simply, what goes in one box gets replaced with what's in the other, separated by a comma.
Here are some quirk examples I pulled fresh from my behind.
Regex Hint: a,b,c
Quirk Hint: x,y,z

Entered: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus consequat.
Posted: Lorem ipsum dolor sit xmet, zonseztetur xdipiszing elit. Vivxmus zonsequxt.

To replace both upper and lowercase of a letter, use the | key, usually situated above your enter key.
Regex Hint: o|O,a|A,l|L
Quirk Hint: 0,4,1

Entered: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus consequat.
Posted: 10rem ipsum d010r sit 4met, c0nsectetur 4dipiscing e1it. Viv4mus c0nsequ4t.

[0003] Special Cases and How to Use Them

Regex Hint: (\S\s*?)(\S\s*?)?
Quirk Hint: [colorhex=dadada]\1[/colorhex][colorhex=868686]\2[/colorhex]
NOTE: Change the colors. This replaces every other letter, basically.

Regex Hint: (\S\s*?)(\S\s*?)?(\S\s*?)?
Quirk Hint: [colorhex=dadada]\1[/colorhex][colorhex=868686]\2[/colorhex][colorhex=c9c9c9]\3[/colorhex]
NOTE: Change the colors. This one uses three colors.

Regex Hint: (\S\s*?)(\S\s*?)?(\S\s*?)?(\S\s*?)(\S\s*?)?(\S\s*?)?(\S\s*?)?
Quirk Hint: [colorhex=f73838]\1[/colorhex][colorhex=f76a37]\2[/colorhex][colorhex=f7bd37]\3[/colorhex][colorhex=4df737]\4[/colorhex][colorhex=377af7]\5[/colorhex][colorhex=aa37f7]\6[/colorhex][colorhex=f737b7]\7[/colorhex]

NOTE: Change the colors if you want. Please use sparingly.

Regex Hint: (\S\s*?)(\S\s*?)?(\S\s*?)?(\S\s*?)(\S\s*?)?(\S\s*?)?(\S\s*?)?
Quirk Hint: [colorhex=ffbdbd]\1[/colorhex][colorhex=ffe5c4]\2[/colorhex][colorhex=fcffad]\3[/colorhex][colorhex=b8ffbd]\4[/colorhex][colorhex=b8e2ff]\5[/colorhex][colorhex=c6b4ff]\6[/colorhex][colorhex=efbeff]\7[/colorhex]

NOTE: Change the colors if you want. For people who aren't already blind.

Regex Hint: A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z
Quirk Hint: 𝕬,𝕭,𝕮,𝕯,𝕰,𝕱,𝕲,𝕳,𝕴,𝕵,𝕶,𝕷,𝕸,𝕹,𝕺,𝕻,𝕼,𝕽,𝕾,𝕿,𝖀,𝖁,𝖂,𝖃,𝖄,𝖅,𝖆,𝖇,𝖈,𝖉,𝖊,𝖋,𝖌,𝖍,𝖎,𝖏,𝖐,𝖑,𝖒,𝖓,𝖔,𝖕,𝖖,𝖗,𝖘,𝖙,𝖚,𝖛,𝖜,𝖝,𝖞,𝖟

[0004] Alternian and How to speak it fluently

Although no one will fault you for speaking upside down and backwards in this high speed internet age,
Old Alternian is written right to left, and from the bottom to the top of a page, so you will need to type backwards.
Luckily, because we are in the high speed internet age, here is a website that can do that for you.
You can type normally in New Alternian, though, so you don't need to reverse anything, and can resume high speed shitposting.
Onto the regex.

Regex Hint: ([a-z])
Quirk Hint: :a\1:

Regex Hint: ([a-z])
Quirk Hint: :na\1:

Make sure there are no spaces between your letters and that you're typing in all lowercase.
If your alternian is fluent enough, Jadebot will come around and reply, letting you know.
New Alternian translation is on top, and Old Alternian translation is on bottom in parentheses.

... Or you can ignore all of this and use [a] or [na] bbcode.

[0005] Canon Quirks Depository

I didn't test all of these.

Karkat Vantas
Regex Hint: ^,$
Quirk Hint: [colorhex=626262],[/colorhex]
Regex Hint: ^,$,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z
Quirk Hint: [colorhex=626262],[/colorhex],A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z
Regex Hint: ^,$
Quirk Hint: [colorhex=626262][caps],[/caps][/colorhex]

Gamzee Makara

Regex Hint: ^,$,([a-z][\s\S]*?[a-z]),a{{{,b{{{,c{{{,d{{{,e{{{,f{{{,g{{{,h{{{,i{{{,j{{{,k{{{,l{{{,m{{{,n{{{,o{{{,p{{{,q{{{,r{{{,s{{{,t{{{,u{{{,v{{{,w{{{,x{{{,y{{{,z{{{
Quirk Hint: \1{{{,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z
Regex Hint: ([a-z][\s\S]*?[a-z]),a{{{,b{{{,c{{{,d{{{,e{{{,f{{{,g{{{,h{{{,i{{{,j{{{,k{{{,l{{{,m{{{,n{{{,o{{{,p{{{,q{{{,r{{{,s{{{,t{{{,u{{{,v{{{,w{{{,x{{{,y{{{,z{{{
Quirk Hint: [colorhex=2b0057],[/colorhex],\1{{{,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z

Terezi Pyrope
Regex Hint: ^,$,a|A,i|I,e|E
Quirk Hint: [colorhex=008282],[/colorhex],4,1,3

Sollux Captor
Regex Hint: ^,$,s,i|I,too,to
Quirk Hint: [colorhex=a1a100],[/colorhex],2,ii,two,two

Tavros Nitram
Regex Hint: ([A-Za-z]),-a,-b,-c,-d,-e,-f,-g,-h,-i,-j,-k,-l,-m,-n,-o,-p,-q,-r,-s,-t,-u,-v,-w,-x,-y,-z,-A,-B,-C,-D,-E,-F,-G,-H,-I,-J,-K,-L,-M,-N,-O,-P,-Q,-R,-S,-T,-U,-V,-W,-X,-Y,-Z,\A,\z
Quirk Hint: -\1,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,[colorhex=A15000],[/colorhex]

Aradia Megido
Regex Hint: ^,$,o|O
Quirk Hint: [colorhex=a10000],[/colorhex],0

Nepeta Leijon
Regex Hint: ^,$,ee,EE
Quirk Hint: [colorhex=416600]:33 < ,[/colorhex],33,33

Vriska Serket
Regex Hint: ^,$,ate,b|B
Quirk Hint: [colorhex=005682],[/colorhex],8,8

Equius Zahaak
Regex Hint: ^,$,x,loo
Quirk Hint: [colorhex=000056]D --> ,[/colorhex],%,100

Kanaya Maryam
Regex Hint: ^,$
Quirk Hint: [colorhex=008141],[/colorhex]
Regex Hint: ^,$,\ba,\bb,\bc,\bd,\be,\bf,\bg,\bh,\bi,\bj,\bk,\bl,\bm,\bn,\bo,\bp,\bq,\br,\bs,\bt,\bu,\bv,\bw,\bx,\by,\bz
Quirk Hint: [colorhex=008141],[/colorhex],A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z
Regex Hint: ^,$
Quirk Hint: [colorhex=008141][kan],[/kan][/colorhex]

Eridan Ampora
Regex Hint: ^,$,w,v,W,V
Quirk Hint: [colorhex=6a006a],[/colorhex],ww,vv,WW,VV

Feferi Peixes
Regex Hint: ^,$,h|H,E
Quirk Hint: [colorhex=77003c],[/colorhex],)(,-E

[0006] An Actual Guide To Regex Itself

Okay this part is going to be shitty, but here's basically the lowdown.

This part of the guide straight up screenshotted from Rubular.

^ - Start of line, your prefix. Useful for color codes and 'D--> Quirks like this!!'
& - End of like, your suffix. Useful for ending color codes and 'Quirks like... this, dude.'

(\s) - Selects whitespace, your spaces between words. Good_for_quirks_like_this.

(\S) - Selects non-whitespace, your words but not spaces. Not sure how this would be useful?

(\W) - Selects whitespace and other non-word characters.

(\b) - Selects word boundaries. hhhhhhQuirkhhhhhh hhhhhhtestinghhhhhh

(\d) - Selects digits.

(\D) - Selects non-digits.

[0007] BBCode and You

In the canon quirks section, you may have noticed there are special BBcode replacements!
Here's a guide to all BBcode usable on Trollian.


Converts all text inside to bold.

Converts all text inside to italics.

Converts all text inside to underscore.

Strikes out the text inside.

[color=skyblue] / [colorhex=77cdde] / [hex=77cdde]
Changes the color of the text.

Does whatever the fuck this is.

Change HTTP://URL to your link, then linkname to the link's display, like this.
This one seems broken a lot we're not sure why

Centers all text inside.
NOTE 1: Make this your first and last on your BBcodes.
NOTE 2: Usage of \z to make a 'signature' requires a second pair of [center] tags.

Moves all inside text to the right side. NOTE: Make this your first and last on your BBcodes.


Embedds an image into a post! Examples below.
[img][/img] will post the image at it's actual size.
[img=100x100][/img] will post the image at 100 x 100 pixels.
Can be combined with [right] to make a 'signature' as shown below
Regex Hint: ^,$,\z
Quirk Hint: [colorhex=77003c],[/colorhex],[right][img=50x50][/img][/right]

* Note. Ensure your image is HTTPS, not HTTP, or it may not work.

Causes a line
break in your text.
Requires the end tag, even if it looks like it shouldn't.

Converts all text inside to small caps.

Converts all text inside to UPPERCASE.


It Does, You Know, The Thing To Each Word. The Case Thing.


Speak Old Alternian! Skyrim was decent.

Speak New Alternian! It's not stolen this time!

Homestuck's beloved font, Courier New.

comic sans font, meme away.

Oh god Sans what happened here


makes your font super duper cute!?

Makes your font look cute... as long as you're quiet. [luci]
This is uh, straight up the font used here. The gamefaqs font.